Welcome to the Movies... Ebook
por by Sally Rose McCormack
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Sobre o Ebook
Escapism in the cinema has been around since films first came out. From old black & white silent movies to futuristic sci-fi films, each film provokes an array of different emotions that take us out of our own world and into a new fantasy one, at times we become so engrossed in the film we are watching, we forget where we are. They not only allow us to escape reality but also to experience new worlds and drench ourselves in imagination. Even those films that reflect reality provide new worlds to us.
This photographic series attempts to reflect those emotions we feel through its stylistic & staged portrayal of the viewers, reflecting the way in which films themselves are created.
This photographic series attempts to reflect those emotions we feel through its stylistic & staged portrayal of the viewers, reflecting the way in which films themselves are created.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 44 pgs
- Data de publicação: dez 17, 2012
- Última edição fev 16, 2013
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Photography, Films, Cinema, Movies, Welcome, Portraits, Colour, Creative, Photo
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