You're The Reason I Get High Ebook
por By Simiya Jackson
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Sobre o Ebook
Trust me when I say I have tried to express myself verbally. But since parents don't believe in listening to children and men don't believe in listening to women, I guess I just have to display my expressions to the world. I tried to give you the easy way out. Unfortunately, you chose the hard. Sucks.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Autoajuda
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 48 pgs
- Data de publicação: jan 07, 2013
- Última edição jan 07, 2013
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Weed, High, Book, Jackson, Pot, Leaf, Grass, Feelings, Emotions, Mom, Dad, Parents, Teacher, Female, Sexy
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Sobre o autor
Simiya Jackson
Brooklyn, NY
Everything there is to know about me can easily be pieced together from these letters.