The Odette Owakening by Dianne Connolly
por Dianne Connolly
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Sobre o livro
Odette Orangutan was the wife of Doctor Thymus whom we met in one of this author's previous books. She developed an aging disease and agreed to be 'put on ice' while her husband searched for a cure but he is unsuccessful and it is Odette's cousin Dolorus who 'owakens' her in the end and then they go dancing.
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Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Humor
- Categorias adicionais Nova Zelândia, Entretenimento
Opção de projeto: Paisagem padrão, 25×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 38 - Data de publicação: nov 22, 2014
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Dianne Connolly. orangutan, diconnollyart
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Sobre o autor
Dianne Connolly
New Zealand
I am a New Zealand Artist/painter/writer. All my books listed here are richly illustrated with my own original pieces of artwork.