When the Democrats came to Town Ebook
The Streets of Denver during the 2008 Democratic National Convention
por Charlie Lehman
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Sobre o Ebook
In 2008 the Democratic Party announced that Denver would be the site of the 2008 Democratic National Convention. To a street photographer like me, living in Colorado, the thought was intoxicating. I retired from my job as a software developer with a national broadcast company in August 2008 so that I could travel to Denver every day of the convention to photograph. Here's the result...
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Portfólios
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 96 pgs
- Data de publicação: mar 19, 2016
- Última edição abr 18, 2016
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee 2008, Convention, dnc, DNC, Democratic, political
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Sobre o autor
Charles Lehman
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I am more interested in the social landscape than the scenic one. I consider myself primarily a street photographer and photo journalist but I dabble too. I have lived in the Far East, Middle East, Europe and now in the United States. I have had careers in cryptography and software development but now focus on fine art photography.