Scissors and Paste Man Ebook
por Matthew Kirshman
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Sobre o Ebook
Collection of museum quality collages and artwork. Beautifully curated, photographed and arranged. "The artwork in this book takes you between two worlds: the one of obvious appearances and the elusive one beneath that, a maze of flux and association that fills perception with mystery."
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Belas artes, Livros de Decoração
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 55 pgs
- Data de publicação: jul 22, 2019
- Última edição jul 31, 2019
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee poetry, photography, collage, art
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Sobre o autor
Matthew Kirshman
Seattle, Washington
Matthew Kirshman was born in Waterbury, Connecticut in 1965, the son of a baker and a stewardess. He lives in Seattle, Washington, with his wife and two daughters. Matthew has published four books: Two Cent Comedy (2017), Interpretation of Dreams (2015), and Radio Tales (2014), by Red Dashboard Publications, and Posthumous Papers (1996) by NothingNew Press.