Plants Tales: Andhere Ujaale! Ebook
por Dr. Vijay Dangi
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Sobre o Ebook
(This book is part of Campus Crime Series-1)
In this book, there is introduction to “crafts and drafts of parallel cases creations” (fake cases creations) and strange but noticeable plants tales. The case study taken for that purpose is “Neem Case” and coded world. I gave name to that world is “Cocktales of Crime, Politics and Science.”
In such cases things first look like laughable, foolish and illiterate kinda superstitious stuff or mere irritations. Then you start noticing something strange but noticeable. These strange and noticeable things in front of your eyes remind you so many such things in the past also or whatever happened or happening within home or surrounding, also happening within office, classes and labs. Such collections have been arranged together to give an idea about the kind of Andhere-Ujaale talking in the form of Plants Tales.
This book has been divided into seven parts including: Complaints by me to university authorities, Andhere-Ujaale, Strange but noticeable, Regular trimming and cutting in university, Complaints against me (Part of some bigger game?), Horticulture complains or plays?, PGI police station visits (Special Invitations?) and Plants experimentations
You will find some interesting case study. Whatever I had complained to University authorities, I have been charged with! That's known as parralel case creation or fake case creation along with dramatics and plays. Campus Crime Series is all about that.
Plants Tales: Andhere Ujaale is one of the part of Campus Crime Series-1.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Mistério e crime
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 160 pgs
- Data de publicação: out 19, 2021
- Última edição mar 01, 2022
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Gambling, Fake Cases Creations, Parallel Cases Creations, Organised Crime, Campus Crime
Sobre o autor
By choice and profession in academics. Life experiences are compelling elsewhere. At that stage of life, where you feel like nothing is important but writing the experiences. Enough is enough! Though I was writing, scribbling, venting here or there especially via blogs since last many years; but 2017 made the difference when some people tried to compel me to leave my job and country, forcefully and unconditionally, after many unsuccessful attempts of direct or indirect murder! I did not. Since then facing the music of so-many crafted, drafted and scripted cases. It has all that a normal human being should not go through. It has mental torture, enforced illegal human experimentation, violence, deaths err murders in the form of political disease and jail threats on the name of "disaster management" as speaking the truth has its own consequences! For more you can watch my blogs related to Campus Crime Series: