A Very Chic Christmas Ebook
por Eleanor O'Connell Decret
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Sobre o Ebook
A humorous honest look at Christmas. The subtitle of this book could be “How Not to Have a Tacky Christmas.” A Very Chic Christmas is chock-full of gentle/not so gentle rules and reminders for Christmas, tree trimming guidelines and over 55 family recipes. The recipes are broken down into menus for the holidays… Christmas Cocktail Party, Christmas Morning Breakfast/Brunch, Christmas Eve Casual Dinner, Christmas Eve Fancy Dinner, Christmas Dinner and New Year’s Eve Cocktail Party. Beef Wellington, Bûche de Noel, Wontons and Hot Buttered Rum are just a few of the favorites. The book is a continuation of the blog, Have Some Decorum, written by Eleanor O’Connell Decret. A portion of the proceeds will go to ALS research.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Culinária
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 104 pgs
- Data de publicação: nov 24, 2014
- Última edição dez 23, 2023
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Christmas, Cooking, Decorating, Recipes, Chic
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