
Jorge Victor Gavilondo

Havana, Cuba

Born in the USA from Cuban parents, Jorge lives in Havana since 1950. He graduated in 1972 from the Biology Faculty of Havana University and has a PhD in Biological Sciences.
Since childhood he was attracted by documentary photography. In 2001 he became a part-time freelance photographer. After retiring from science active work in 2015, Jorge devotes most of his time to photography. He is a member of the Visual Arts Section of the UNEAC (Havana, Cuba)
His favorite themes are street documentary photography, architecture, nature, and dance and ballet. Images from his Havana collection have been exhibited in 40 personal and collective events, and are in private collections worldwide.
Since 2002, Jorge teaches digital photography in national and international courses. His first book on the subject has just been published in Mexico. Starting in November 2014, Jorge acts as coordinator and photographer for the activities organized in Cuba by the Santa Fe Photo Workshops (NM).

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