Threshold Spaces
Places of Passing and Pausing
por Ed Heckerman
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Sobre o livro
Threshold Spaces is a series of photographs made from vantage points neither exclusively inside nor outside, but rather between - any area partly open and partly closed. I was not pointing my camera at, but rather working from within these spaces of passing and pausing. I set up this restriction so as to short-circuit my habitual patterns of seeing in the hopes of revealing fresh perspectives in new situations.
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Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Fotografia e artes plásticas
- Categorias adicionais Belas artes, Califórnia
Opção de projeto: Quadrado grande, 30×30 cm
Nº de páginas: 42 - Data de publicação: out 20, 2022
- Idioma English
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Sobre o autor
Ed Heckerman
Santa Monica, CA, U.S.A.
Ed Heckerman lives in Santa Monica. He is an exhibiting art photographer, and photography professor at Cerritos College in Southern California.