I, Mirus - The Musings of a Multiverse Sentient
por Sam Dobrow
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Sobre o livro
This unusual book masterfully blends surreal art and science fiction romance, creating a visual experience that complements the story-line on every page spread. Be forewarned: the surreal images are both provocative and bold, featuring nudity that elevates the narrative’s exploration of love and eroticism. The narrative is written as a soliloquy with an emotional and a poetic cadence.
Mirus’s quest is one of self-discovery, transformation, and a search for deeper meaning within the chaos. Each step brings him closer to understanding not only the multiverse but also the hidden facets of his own character. As Mirus navigates through Parallax, Intermundium, Internectine, and other enigmatic worlds, he encounters challenges and revelations that shape his evolution in unexpected ways.
The story delves into profound themes, weaving messages of personal growth, the interconnectedness of all things, and the transcendent power of imagination. The surreal images that accompany Mirus’s journey are crafted to provoke thought and stir emotions, evoking wonder, curiosity, and introspection in readers. As the plot unfolds, it ventures into territories of intense emotional and physical connections, challenging traditional notions of love and desire.
Feel the magic, the tension, and the awe as Mirus interacts with fantastical beings and explores realms where logic and dreams intertwine.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Ficção científica e literatura fantástica, Belas artes
Opção de projeto: Quadrado pequeno, 18×18 cm
Nº de páginas: 148 - Data de publicação: set 22, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee fine art, photography, erotica, fantasy, sci-fi
Sobre o autor
Sam Dobrow is a contemporary photographic artist who lives and works in the artist village of Coconut Grove, Florida. In the digital darkroom, Sam continues to test the boundaries of photography. All of his artwork begins in the camera and evolves into images with intensely beautiful constructs amplified by his emotions and perceptions of the world and its inhabitants. Whether it is a street scene, portrait or figurative works, Sam captures beauty by presenting subjects shaped by light, framed by strong graphical elements, and emotionally supercharged by the thoughtful choice of color. According to Sam, the art of photography begins with a feeling, followed by seeing through the camera with anticipation, and ultimately developing an image that speaks to that feeling.